Smile Samsung J327VPP read codes & unlock done 100%


Staff member
Welcome to Octoplus Box Samsung software version 2.6.3
Platform: Samsung Android
Selected port: COM3
Selected model: SM-J327VPP
"Devices with Unlock App (branded to T-Mobile, MetroPCS, etc.) are not 

Make sure device requests to enter unlock code and only then perform 
“Read Codes” operation!"

Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Please, press "OK" button on the phone to allow USB debugging.
Detected phone model: SM-J327VPP
Firmware compiled date: Thu Jun 29 09:50:04 KST 2017
PDA version: J327VPPVRU1AQF3
CSC version: J327VPPVZW1AQF3
SW version: J327VPPVRU1AQF3
Phone SN: R28J73X1ZMV
Android version: 7.0 (NRD90M)
Sales code: VZW
Country: USA
HW platform: msm8937
HW Chip: MSM8937
HW Modem: MSM8917
Security patch level: 2017-07-01
SIM 1 status: absent
Codename: j3popltevzwpp
Connecting to server ..
Connect to server successfull.
Checking smart card...
Smart card successfully checked.
Your balance: 90 credits.
Rebooting phone
Searching for a phone. Please wait...OK
Rebooting phone
Searching for a phone. Please wait...OK
Rebooting phone in Upload Mode...
Searching for a phone. Please wait...OK
Reading data...OK
Searching for signatures...OK
Sending request...OK
Calculating codes. Please wait...
FREEZE: 35139382
NET LOCK: 06960272
SUB LOCK: 00000000
SP LOCK: 00000000
CP LOCK: 00000000
Performed by 2.6.3 Software version.

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