LS755 ZVA latest security Unlock done


Staff member
LS755 ZVA latest security Unlock done

Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.7.6
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: 
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: LS755
Selected USB connection type
Power phone OFF (reconnect battery), press and hold "Vol+" button and 
connect the cable (or P999 cable)
Phone found at port COM239
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Model ID: LGLS755 
SW version: LS755ZVA_03
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CD22S170110000790
IMEI: 358756-07-617561-6
TargBattery level: 50%
Reading partitions...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
IMEI: 358756-07-617561-6
Bluetooth address: B8:1D:AA:01:6B:E2
Wi-Fi MAC address: 5C:AF:06:6A:F1:C3
SPC: 593628
Reading Carrier...OK
Writing Carrier...OK
Phone successfully unlocked!
Performed by 2.7.6 Software version.
erformed by 2.7.6 Software version.

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