iTunes Errors Solution [Updated]


Mar 1, 2020

As we all know there is no certain cause for most of itunes error. We just try to explain from our personal experience and some common user report but it would not strange if you found something different.

“Best way to find it by check your iDevice update log txt exactly which function was failure or cause of error”

Reply here for minimum 2-3 time 100% tested solution with all details so we will add/update it.

Error -1
Hardware - Error occurs when baseband cpu, baseband flash or baseband pm ic get damaged or dry
soldered from board or else some other hardware fault which preventing baseband function to updated during restore ios.

Error 1
Hardware - Related to error -1 but not directly point to bb cpu or flash might be something else hardware.

Error 2
Software - Check for issues with third-party security software.
Hardware - Connection issue between phone hardware via usb to computer. Could be firmware flash chip dry soldered.

Error 3
Hardware - BB or BB supporting components are damaged. Check BB voltage regulator chips.

Error 4
Software - Check for issues with third-party security software.
Hardware - Connection issue between phone hardware via usb to computer. Could be firmware flash chip dry soldered.

Error 6
Software - Unable to resize partition due to full storage problem at final stage of updating firmware.
The error may be bypassed (restart and do exit recovery) but you probably need to re-update it one more time
Hardware - Connection issue between phone hardware via usb to computer. Could be nand chip Issue.

Error 9
The most common error which has too many reasons even vary on different iDevice models. All and 100% cause of error 9 not yet revealed as it not same for all.
Software- Restart pc/mac. Re-install latest version of itunes. Try with latest ios version clean install.
Try with different pc. Try with original usb cable. Try with different usb port on pc.
Hardware - Sufficient power/voltage not present to finish software operation. Battery, battery connector,
dock flex cable, charging ic and charging related parts, power ic, cpu, shorted caps on board, etc etc.

Error 10
Software - Try with a new IOS file. Direct restore from online.

Error 11
Software - Use latest version of itunes. New ios file. Restart pc.

Error 13
Software - Use latest version of itunes. Beta software issue. Try with MAC computer with MAC OS.
Hardware - Use original usb cable. Don't use usb hub put direct.

Error 14
Software - Use latest version of itunes and MAC OS. Might be issues with third-party security software.
Hardware - Device isn't bootable. Nand issue. USB Problem. Check the USB connection and try other direct ports or maybe the USB cable is an older one.

Error 17
Software - Try to restore with clean and new ios. Restore Direct from online.

Error 18
Software - Device file system is corrupted. Don't update but clean restore should solve this issue.

Error 20
Software - Problem with third party security software. If it's happened with new itunes try with older one. Usually happens when try to downgrade. Try with beta ios.
Hardware - Don’t use external hub direct connect to usb. Try with another and original usb cable. Try with different pc/mac.

Error 21
Mostly error 20 is a hardware issue which cause of low power.
Software - Restore in dfu mode. Try with different pc, usb cable, usb port.
Hardware - There is not enough power to finish software operation. Check battery and it way, charging ic, sensor cables. Check nand. Remove board from housing,
only put battery and charging/dock flex cable and try to restore software.

Error 23
Mostly hardware issue.
Software - Do usual troubleshot, itunes, new ios etc.
Hardware - Might be communication problem.
Check battery, bb cpu and bb flash.

Error 26
Software - Try with new ios, direct restore from online through itunes.
Hardware - Check regular flash ic.

Error 27
Software - Just restore it don’t use update option. Use latest itunes and ios file.
Hardware - Check battery, battery connection and usb connectivity.

Error 28
Hardware error. The problem is a bad dock connector on the iPhone. Must change the connector.
If you have tried almost everything, reset the logic board (leave uncharged for five days or remove battery for half an hour), then pwn and restore. If this doesn't
work, the memory of your device is damaged.

Hardware is incompatible with iOS Version.
Device has counterfeit display that is incompatible
with a certain iOS versions

Error 29
You might need to change the battery.
If iTunes is already open, quit and reopen it.
Make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes.
Check for issues with third-party security software.
Make sure that your USB cable, computer, and network are reliable. Then try twice more to restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod.
If you still see the error message, you can check for outdated or modified software.

Error 31
Apple Mobile Device USB Drive Problem, reinstall latest itunes, change usb cable, don’t use hub. Try with another pc/mac.
Error 34
Low disk space in your computer, related to memory of your pc.

Error 37
Attempting restore with an IPSW that was stitched with blobs not for your device (Usually a good thing if restoring with a geek grade beta IPSW or
with your own creation). To boot, simply open redsn0w. Do fix recovery and tether boot after. Do not lock or device's LCD will fail.

Error 40
NAND chip is dead (confirm with ASR output from restore log).

Error 45
Same with Error 6, in terms of resizing partition issue. But this may occur at the very beginning of restore process.

Error 48
Dead/Malfunctioning baseband chip during restore/update, BB voltage regulator ic issue might be, try again and if it doesn't work, a hardware fix will be necessary.

Error 53
Can be an error with iTunes. In this case, change your DNS to and try again.

Hardware- mismatch between security data and security hw. Check home button.

Error 56
Most likely a dead/glitched Touch ID sensor. Try restoring the latest firmware in DFU mode.
Take out the SIM card and try restoring in DFU mode. If still occurring, take your device to apple.

Error 1002
Error when restoring an old IOS, bad host file. Try restore with latest ios with latest itunes. Change usb cable and port. Try with another pc/mac.

Error 1004
This is caused by a failure to match the Baseband Nonce currently in memory to the nonce returned in the Baseband Firmware SHSH blob.
Use TinyUmbrella and "Kick Device Out Of Recovery" to boot.

Error 1011
This is caused by recovery mode being in userland.

Error 1013
This means that the baseband did not get updated. Either remove the entry from your hosts file and let the baseband
upgrade or if you want to preserve the baseband just jailbreak at this point to boot it up.
Restart computer; change computer; reinstall system, if the device is always in restoring mode:
XP users can jump from restoring mode with ibus; MAC users can use iNdependence or similar other sw.

Error 1014
This occurs when you try to downgrade your device's baseband.

Error 1015
This error is common when downgrading iPhones and 3G iPads. The problem occurs when the device's baseband has a higher version
number than the baseband in the firmware you restored to.
Just set auto-boot true in iRecovery or use iREB/TinyUmbrella/RecBoot.1 In case this is not working use Pwnagetool to create a custom firmware
WITHOUT the iPad baseband, put your device in pwned DFU Mode and restore via iTunes.

Error 1050
Bad response from OR need iREB for preparing the device for restoring to custom IPSW

Error 1394
Older IOS. Try with latest one.
Baseband prevent the update itself. Sometime happens with refurbish device.

Error 1413
Restart computer; change USB port, try with older itunes, restore online. reinstall system. Try another pc/mac.

Error 1415
Restart computer; change USB port; reinstall system.

Error 1417
Restart computer; change USB port; reinstall system.

Error 1418
Restart computer; change USB port; reinstall system.

Error 1428
Restart computer; change USB port; reinstall system.

Error 1600
Custom firmware can't be restored on a device with DFU Mode. The software of the device isn't patched.
Using a jailbreak tool, enter a pwned DFU Mode. During that process the software gets patched and the custom firmware should run without any problems.
If truly stuck (even with an regular iTunes Restore), edit the hosts file.
GetDeviceID: failed for iBoot (experienced on Windows 8)

Error 1601
Usb error, bad itunes, registry/host issue in windows.

Error 1602
Restart computer; change computer; reinstall system.
If this error occurred during an Apple TV restore, then unplug the Apple TV from the power cable, after you entered the recovery or DFU mode, and then try it again.

Error 1603
False kernelcache patch. Known on damaged bundles from unofficial PwnageTool distributions.

Error 1604
Device was not pwned (signature checks were not blocked). Custom firmware can't be restored. Can also happen when there's a problem with the IPSW.

Error 1611
iTunes tried to enter the Restore Mode, but the device turned back to the Recovery Mode.

Error 1618
Missing system files or corrupt data in iTunes installation. Try to uninstall iTunes,
restart computer, install again. This error also occurs for iTunes in Windows 8 for reasons currently unknown.

Error 1619
iTunes is too old and couldn't read the iPhone in Recovery or DFU Mode. Please update iTunes and try it again.

Error 1644
IPSW was moved during prepare with iTunes. Try it again and don't move the IPSW.

Error 1646
iTunes expected the device to be in a different state (Example: booted into iOS rather than jumping to iBEC).

Error 1667
Occurs when device is unplugged while the "iTunes will erase and restore your iPhone to
iOS and will verify the restore with Apple." dialog is shown. Check USB connections and try again.

Error 2001
Check USB hub.

Error 2002
iTunes can't connect because another program is using it or it's disconnected during the Apple Server check.

Error 2003
Connection problem; change USB cable and check USB port.
sn0wbreeze failed to restore IPSW; unplug and plug iDevice and try again

Error 2005
Problem connecting. Probably a hardware failure.
Supposedly reinstalling the USB drivers fixed the problem.

Error 2006
Replace the USB cable with a newer one and/or disconnect all other USB devices, then retry.
Error 2009
If you experience this issue on a Mac, disconnect third-party devices, hubs, spare cables, displays, reset the SMC, and then try to restore.
If you are using a Windows computer, remove all USB devices and spare cables other than your keyboard, mouse, and the device, restart the computer, and try to restore.
If that does not resolve the issue, see Error 1604 above. If the issue persists, it may be related to conflicting security software on your computer.

Error 3002
Update to an older firmware isn't working, because Apple is no longer handing out SHSHs for the device/firmware combination.
Or a timeout checking Apple server - retry later.
This error also happens if you try to Update with a local TSS server (TinyUmbrella tool) and probably also when connecting to Cydia Server. Use Restore instead.
Error 3002 represents no update ramdisk when pressing Shift+Check for updates.

Error 3004
No internet connection during the firmware restore.
iTunes can't connect to Maybe Port 80 and Port 443 is blocked. Open it on your router.

Error 3014
Bad hosts file. The SHSH request couldn't be completed. No connection to the Apple Server, Cydia Server or localhost (for TinyUmbrella).
iTunes can't connect to Maybe Port 80 and Port 443 is blocked. Open it on your router.

Error 3011
Bad hosts file. The SHSH request couldn't be completed. No connection to the Apple Server, Open your host file and remove any lines with"

Error 3123
Something dealing with movie rentals.

Error 3191
QuickTime may be corrupted. You must reinstall it before iTunes will work. Windows users, also try turning off Compatibility Mode for QuickTime

Error 3194
Occurs when trying to install an old firmware and Apple's server disallows the installation. The only solution is to have the SHSH blob backed up and modify the
hosts file to point to Saurik's Cydia Server where they are backed up (or localhost if you have it yourself). Also happens if restoring to the latest iOS and the
hosts point to Cydia. Remove lines in hosts file.
Another message that this error can display is "not eligible for requested build". Restore latest IOS with latest iTunes.

Error 3195
There is no SHSH blob for the firmware.
This is the same as "This device isn't eligible for the request build." but with an cache error.

Error 3200
You are trying to update to a firmware, when in fact, there is only a Restore Ramdisk.

Error 4013
Connection to device is lost after the "Preparing iPhone for Restore" step but before the phone is actually wiped causing it to boot normally.
Check USB connections and try again. Check battery and power way. Finally check nand ic, re-hot it would be work.

Error 9008
Error downloading, check internet and try again.

Error 9807
Unknown error; try again

Error 11222
A security software you have installed may be conflicting with iTunes.

Error 11556
You're trying to access a section or a functionality that is not available in your country, for example iCloud in some countries.

Error 13019
Seems to be an issue with syncing media to the device... It only seems to happen on jailbroken devices.
Create new user, try syncing with new user's library. If that fails, restore. If it doesn't fail, then something on YOUR itunes Library is causing the error.

Error 20000
This error can also be caused by the iDevice rebooting during the "Extracting Firmware" stage of restore.

Error 20008
This happened on a Mac with TinyUmbrella running before restoring a firmware to the Apple TV.

Something dealing with programs monitoring Winsock.

“0xEXXXXXX” -Mostly usb relates issue either it software or hardware. So just check all hw and sw which is related to usb.

Reboot your idevice and pc/mac with original usb cable try again.

Device was suddenly unplugged. iTunes couldn't connect with the device. Try it again

Error in your firmware files. Restore with latest file direct from online/real time.

False permissions in the Carrier Bundle folder. Restore, update or fix the permissions from the carrier bundle to update the carrier settings via iTunes.

Device was suddenly unplugged. iTunes couldn't connect with the device. Try it again.

Error on USB connection. Unplug the device, reboot it, and plug it in again.

IPA signature verification failed.

Usb or registry on windows pc issue.

Check usb port and cable. Reinstall itunes. Update pc/mac.

Note: Not yet finish and never will be, we will add new update.


Mar 1, 2020
iTunes Errors Solution [Updated on 12.15.2017]


Here is an updated collection of iTunes error code and most common used solution .

Error Message Code
Baseband circuits have problems: Power supply; Baseband power; Baseband CPU
1. Check power supply output of baseband power;
2. Check baseband power or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Check mainboard GND resistance value

Error Message Code
Please reboot with iTunes
Reboot with Apple official software

Error Message Code
Currently there are two progress error messages: 1. If error message appears after reboot to two thirds of progress, mostly it is caused by baseband CPU physical damage. 2. If error message appears in the case of reboot to 99% of progress, it means EEPROM fails to cache, it can be certain that EEPROM has faults
1. Check power supply output of baseband power;
2. Check baseband power or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Check mainboard GND resistance value;
4. Repair with instrument as there is mismatch between baseband EEPROM and data

Error Message Code
Check the firmware package for completeness and the firmware name for errors
Re-download new firmware

Error Message Code
Firmware shutdown verification
Re-download new firmware

Error Message Code
Check beta firmware package for completeness and USB connection for normality
1. Re-download new firmware;
2. Replace the reboot wire or dock flex of the phone

Error Message Code
Mostly NAND has problems, without ruling out NAND power supply problems
1. Replace the NAND if it is damaged;
2. Reinstall the NAND if it has pseudo soldering;
3. Measure the mainboard GND resistance value if the path has problems, or maybe the power supply is not available

Error Message Code
In the path from baseband CPU to baseband EEPROM, mostly baseband EEPROM has problems
Check baseband EEPROM for pseudo soldering or damage, and measure mainboard GND resistance value if the path has problems

Error Message Code
Manually enter DFU mode to reboot again
Manually enter DFU mode to reboot again

Error Message Code
Baseband circuits have problem mostly caused by short circuit
Check power supply output of baseband power, focusing on checking whether the power supply is grounded, and if it is grounded, mostly the baseband CPU is damaged, and the part under water damage is peripheral capacitor or baseband power

Error Message Code
Error message -23 of iPad6 indicate the battery run out
Charge or change the battery

Error Message Code
The path from baseband CPU to EEPROM has problems
Check baseband CPU or EEPROM for pseudo soldering or damage, and measure mainboard GND resistance value if the path has problems

Error Message Code
CPU or NAND has problems
1. Main CPU lower layer has pseudo soldering or damage;
2. In a few cases, NAND has problems, such as pseudo soldering or damage

Error Message Code
Please check for the battery testing pins or battery damage or network problems
1. Check the battery testing pin path;
2. Check the network

Error Message Code
Baseband circuits
1. Check power supply output of baseband power, focusing on checking whether the power supply is grounded, and if it is grounded, mostly the baseband CPU is damaged;
2. Check baseband power or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Check mainboard GND resistance value to test the path

Error Message Code
Baseband circuits have problems: baseband EEPROM or baseband CPU
1. Check power supply output of baseband power, focusing on checking whether the power supply is grounded, and if it is grounded, mostly the baseband CPU is damaged;
2. Check baseband power or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Check mainboard GND resistance value to test the path

Error Message Code
Baseband CPU or baseband EEPROM is damaged, but baseband EEPROM is not necessarily damaged; repair with instrument
1. Repair with instrument as there is mismatch between baseband EEPROM and data;
2. Check baseband EEPROM or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Corresponding parts should be replaced as baseband EEPROM and baseband CPU mismatch with main CPU data

Error Message Code
Baseband CPU has faults
1. Check power supply output of baseband power, focusing on checking whether the power supply is grounded, and if it is grounded, mostly the baseband CPU is damaged;
2. Check baseband power or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Check mainboard GND resistance value to test the path

Error Message Code
NAND circuits have problems
1. Replace the NAND if it is damaged;
2. Reinstall the NAND if it has pseudo soldering;
3. Measure the mainboard GND resistance value if the path has problems, or maybe the power supply is not available.

Error Message Code
Baseband circuits or NAND circuits have problems
1. Check power supply output of baseband power, focusing on checking whether the power supply is grounded, and if it is grounded, mostly the baseband CPU is damaged;
2. Check baseband power or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Check mainboard GND resistance value to test the path;
4. Replace the NAND if it is damaged; reinstall the NAND if it has pseudo soldering.

Error Message Code
Baseband circuits or NAND circuits have problems
1. Check power supply output of baseband power, focusing on checking whether the power supply is grounded, and if it is grounded, mostly the baseband CPU is damaged;
2. Check baseband power or baseband CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Check mainboard GND resistance value to test the path;
4. Replace the NAND if it is damaged; reinstall the NAND if it has pseudo soldering.

Error Message Code
NAND circuits have problems
1. Replace the NAND if it is damaged;
2. Reinstall the NAND if it has pseudo soldering;
3. Measure the mainboard GND resistance value if the path has problems, or maybe the power supply is not available.

Error Message Code
Server authentication has problems
Perform server authentication

Error Message Code
It is an error message of degraded firmware; reboot again after repair of computer system
Reboot again after repair of computer system

Error Message Code
CPU circuits have problems
1. Check main CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
2. Check CPU power supply or power supply path elements

Error Message Code
CPU circuits have problems
1. Check main CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
2. Check CPU power supply or power supply path elements

Error Message Code
NAND circuits have problems
1. Replace the NAND if it is damaged;
2. Reinstall the NAND if it has pseudo soldering;
3. Measure the mainboard GND resistance value if the path has problems, or maybe the power supply is not available.

Error Message Code
USB power supply or system has problems
Check for USB power supply or system problems

Error Message Code
Error message 1669 will appear in the case of EEPROM data error or loss, or burnout of iPhone6S dock connector
1. Repair with instrument as there is mismatch between baseband EEPROM and data;
2. Check baseband EEPROM for pseudo soldering or damage;
3. Corresponding parts should be replaced as baseband EEPROM and baseband CPU mismatch with main CPU data .

Error Message Code
Detect whether or not Apple server is connected; such error message is associated with trial proxy server
Change the network and reconnect the Apple server

Error Message Code
Change USB or computer
Check USB circuits or computer

Error Message Code
Battery has problems; check battery connector
Check battery condition or detect the testing pin path

Error Message Code
Change the computer to test again after a while; after dealing with NAND and/or NAND power supply, error message appears repeatedly upon reboot
Check the computer, and it is better to use Apple computer for reboot to ensure stability and less error message

Error Message Code
Battery, data wire, computer and USB interface are unstable
Check USB circuits, data wire or computer

Error Message Code
Check computer for normal connection; check server's SHSH backup for normality during degrading
Bad hosts file. The SHSH request couldn't be completed. No connection to the Apple Server, Cydia Server or localhost (for TinyUmbrella).
iTunes can't connect to Maybe Port 80 and Port 443 is blocked. Open it on your router.

Error Message Code
CPU circuits have problems
1. Check main CPU for pseudo soldering or damage;
2. Check 1161111 CPU power supply or power supply path elements

Error Message Code
CPU upper layer circuits have problems
1. Check main CPU upper layer for pseudo soldering or damage;
2. Check CPU power supply or power supply path elements

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