MTK Secure Boot, What does this mean


Feb 21, 2018
MTK Secure Boot, What does this mean.?

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]★★★★★★★★★★ [FAQ] MTK Secure Boot, What does this mean. ★★★★★★★★★★[/font]

Starting from 2017 many MTK phones start to have problem with secure boot.
What this meen, and why is not posible to make universal solution.

To boot phone in flash mode we send loader and after we start to work with phone.
Many last phones start to use digitally signed loader.
Usually is used to sign RSA with 2048 key length.
Key is not same and each phone model have own key.

What this actually mean for us.
RSA is not possible to break, to patch loader, so we must use factory signed loader.
This loader usually come with factory flash tool together with firmware.

Theoretically exists possibility to make some database with this loaders if users will want to help.
But till now we not reseived any file from nobody.
We trying to colect this firmwares and add in each update more and more loaders, but our posibility is limited.
Exists millions of models and even teoreticly is not posible to do this without users help.

Q. What to do if phone give secure boot error and is not listed in exe?

1. Ask friends, possible somebody already found firmware and can share with you.
2. Search yourself using google or other search engines.

DO Not need to contact me in skype and ask me to search xxxx firmware.
We not offer free or payed service for search firmware on net.
This , user must do himself.

Any offtopic posts from this thread will be deleted.
If somebody can post some useful info about subject or loader, welcome.
On posting loader link need to post also info about model, brand and cpu.

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