Lenovo K8 Plus XT1902-2 Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)


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Lenovo K8 Plus XT1902-2 Stock Firmware ROM 

Download Lenovo K8 Plus XT1902-2 Firmware (Flash File)
Software Version: marino_oem_user_7.1.1_NMC26.74-31_31_release-keys_oem_SVC
Android Version: v7.1.1 (Nougat)
Download Size: 2.09 GB
How To Flash Lenovo K8 Plus Firmware
Step 1: Download and extract Lenovo XT1902-2 flash file on your computer.
Step 2: Install Mediatek MTK USB driver (skip if already installed).
Step 3: Open SP Flash Tool and load the MT6757 Scatter file from the Firmware.
Step 4: Click on Upgrade / Download button in Flash Tool for begin the flashing.
Step 5: Connect your device to the Computer using USB cable in Power off mode.
Step 6: Now wait 5-10 minute for the Download OK message until during the flashing process.


Jan 13, 2018

Please help I have Lenovo K8 plus and while flashing earlier it use to give error MT6757D scatter and device is MT6757.

now its giving error "status_protocol_err (0xC0010005).

Struggling to get rid of this error.. i have searched all most all Brom Errors but this error is somewhat nowhere mentioned

And also can someone help me with Scatter file MT6757.

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