facebok To Start Demoting Post The Begs For Likes, Comment, And Share


Nov 25, 2017
Facebook To Start Demoting Posts That Begs For Likes, Comment, And Shares

Facebook has announced a new policy that should cut down on a lot of spammy garbage from your timeline. Going forward, all posts that ask users to engage with them in any way will be demoted and buried out of view.
Starting this week, Facebook will begin demoting spammy or “engagement bait” posts that goad users into taking actions like sharing, tagging, liking, or commenting. Posts which prompt users to “Tag a friend who likes to nap!” seem popular because they game Facebook’s algorithms, which causes Facebook to prioritize those posts in more News Feeds. The company says posts that ask people for help, advice, or recommendations like raising money for charity or asking for travel advice won’t be affected by the update.

Facebook reviewed and categorized hundreds of thousands of posts and taught a machine learning model to detect the different types of engagement bait. The company says it will implement stricter demotions for Pages that repeatedly bait engagement in a few weeks to give publishers time to adapt.
“Moving forward, we will continue to find ways to improve and scale our efforts to reduce engagement bait,” Facebook said. “We want to reduce the spread of content that is spammy, sensational, or misleading in order to promote more meaningful and authentic conversations on Facebook.” Facebook says Pages that repeatedly post engagement bait will see more “significant drops” in reach.
This is a useful change considering just how much of Facebook and the internet, in general, is littered with such content. It’s likely these publishers will come up with other tactics to attract users but hopefully now that Facebook has woken up to them it will be more proactive in stopping any such trends in future.

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