Create Custom Boot Logo Mtk Devices Using WiselinkTool


Nov 25, 2017
How To Create Custom Boot Logo Mtk Devices Using WiselinkTool

How to create custom boot logo on Mtk Devices Using WiselinkTool
This is just another tutorial on how to create a custom boot logo like the one in the image above for MTK devices using WiseLink Tool. Its easy and straight forward. Just watch the video or follow the tutorial below.

Today I will be sharing with you a tutorial on how to create boot logo on mtk device using wiselinkTool

Logo.bin: this is the first image you see when your device boots up. It contains the first boot image and also all the battery charging icons. This file is found inside your backup folder that means you must have an mtk backup of your rom to access this file.

Install mtk mt65xx drivers
Download and install WiseLink Tool from here
Stock ROM of the phone you want to flash  (optional)
NB: You can also extract logo.bin from devce using Miracle Box or MTK Droid Tools.
SP Flash Tool to flash the new logo.bin created
Design the image you will want to be the new logo of your device


Launch WiseLinkTool

Click on Custom tab


Click LOGO button

Navigate to the Stock ROM folder and select logo.bin file

After a few seconds, the stock logo will be loaded.

Now click on Replace Boot Logo button and select the custom image you designed

Again click on Replace Android Logo and select the custom image you design

After replacing the image for both Boot Logo and Android Logo,

Click on Save LOGO button

Select path and click save button.

You have now succeeded in creating a logo.bin file

To flash this new logo.bin file to the device,

Copy the newly created to the stock rom folder (replace old one)

Launch SP Flash Tool or WiseLinkTool


Click on Scatter Loader

Select Scatter file


Click Download button

                             Connect device and wait for flash process to complete        -> takes about few secs

Reboot your phone 

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Done.
If you have any question, drop it in the comment box.
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